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Our Plan... 

Overall, our plan is to enjoy ourselves and raise happy healthy Alpacas while learning as much as we can about them as we go, and share it with who ever would like to hear it, feel it, wear it or work with it! 


We got in to the Alpaca Farm because we fell in love with them! We visited several farms and investigated the possibilities of starting our own herd. It was all facinating! 


Many years ago my Mother taught us girls how to crochet & knit. Some where in the years, I forgot to take the time to enjoy making beautiful handmade items. Too busy, I thought. No time, I said. What a shame!! Such a beautiful talent just set aside........until I saw the Alpacas!  Suddenly it all came back to me. I dug out the old hooks and some practice yarn and in no time a few of the stitches I learned made sense again. I actually bought some Alpaca yarn to start with because my animals had a long way to go till shearing. Once I worked with the alpaca yarn.......I was hooked! No more scratchy acrylic yarn for me! What a pleasure to feel the softness of the alpaca yarn in my hands.


Now that we are raising Alpacas, I've decided to go further into the possibilities and try making my own yarn! Harvesting the wool, cleaning, carding, combing and spinning it into yarn. Maybe even farther in to the Mystic and try felting and fiber arts! Oh My!!


 Meanwhile, we will be looking in to showing our Alpacas. Hopefully winning a few ribbons and awards for our Farm! A whole other's endless! Very exciting and more than rewarding to share time with these beautiful animals!

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